Monday, October 29, 2012

The Pukwudgies of New England

Long ago there began tales from the Native American Wampanoag Nation, of small human-like creatures that roamed the forests of New England. These seemingly mythical creatures, have supposedly been seen in areas of New England to this day.

Artist's rendition of a Pukwudgie, thought to haunt the forests of New England
Artist's rendition of a Pukwudgie, thought to haunt the forests of New England

A Pukwudgie was described by the Wampanoag Natives as a human-like creature standing only two or three feet high.  The have large ears, noses and feet.  Probably similar to what we have seen on the big screen today as the fictional Hobbits.  However, these creatures of lore are not so nice. At least not today.  They are believed to be shape shifters that can appear in many different forms including animals. They can appear and disappear at will.  It has been said that they appear as a ball of mystical light,luring a person to follow.  This usually ends badly for the witness in that they usually end up being pushed off of a cliff or drowned in some form of water. Sometimes they succumb to the Pukwudgie's poisonous darts. The Pukwudgie, according to legend, then takes possession of the victim's soul.

This all may sound like a wild fairy tale, but there have been actual eye witnesses that give testimonials to being lured into wooded areas by glowing balls of light and in some way shape or form have ended up getting hurt.  There have been a few that have actually claimed to see small humanoid creatures after following the lights.

This discovery is thought to be a mummified Pukwudgie
This discovery is thought to be a mummified Pukwudgie
If the Pukwudgie's are only mythical and the figment of people's imaginations, then why is it that similar creatures have been described by Native Americans all the way across the country in areas such as Indiana, The Great Lakes, and in the Western territories.  In the Rocky Mountains, there were legends of small human like creatures which were proven.  There is The Pedro Mountain Mummy, evidence of Little People spoken of in Crow, Shoshone, and Arapaho legends.

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